It was a great pleasure to talk to Brent Miles about Minor League Baseball franchises! Miles, 35, is currently the President of the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes, the advanced-A affiliate of Los Angeles Dodgers owned by Hall of Famer George Brett, and one of the Principal Owners of the Tri-City Dust Devils, the Short Season A affiliate of Colorado Rockies. He was also the former General Manager of the Tr-City Dust Devils and the former President of the High Desert Mavericks in the California League when Sheng-An Kuo and Kuo-Hui Lo were with the teams. 我們很榮幸邀請到布萊特‧麥爾斯來談談小聯盟球隊的運作。現年35歲的麥爾斯是名人堂成員喬治‧布瑞特旗下的道奇高階1A倫秋庫卡蒙加震動隊的董事長,也是洛磯短期1A三城沙塵魔隊主要股東。他曾任三城沙塵魔及高沙小牛隊的總經理,當時隊上曾有郭勝安及羅國輝效力。
About MiLB Leadership Positions 有關小聯盟領導階層
Q: What are your educational background and work experience? 問:可以談談你的學歷及工作經驗嗎?
John Sickels 現職:站長— Nation下的一個部落格);小聯盟專家—夢幻野球分析網站) 經歷:專欄作家—負責Down on the Farm專欄) 著作:The Baseball Prospect Book 1996-2011(每年一本詳列1000名小聯盟球員資料)
跟據Los Angeles Times的報導,就在薪資仲裁聽證會越來越近時刻,郭泓志與道奇隊於週三達成協議,同意一年272.5萬美金的年薪,避免進入不是你死就是我活的薪資仲裁聽證會。此外,激勵獎金為70萬,其中包括60萬與終結者相關的收尾場數(game finished),因此小小郭今年薪水最多可領到340萬美金左右。